


I love climbing. It's my favourite thing in the whole world.
Sometimes it's frustrating, sometimes it's unbelievably rewarding. I want to do it for the rest of my life. I've never survived longer than a few weeks without any climbing at all, and even then not out of choice.
I'd just started following a training plan that was hopefully going to bring me to where I wanted to be next summer, and it was going well.
Then a few days ago, I fell off climbing. I fell off not far from the ground, indoors, above excellent crash pads. But I also fell off in about the most awkward position possible.
There was a horribly loud crack as one leg hit the ground, and I realised things were bad. A week in hospital and some surgery later, I've decided to keep a recovery blog. Partly as a diary for me, when recovery seems slow, to prove I'm making progress. But I also hope that keeping a blog will be of interest to other injured climbers, climbers in recovery or anyone else.
But mostly it might keep me from going mental during the six weeks bed rest and recovery beyond.
Taken by Alistair Brash on an awesome holiday last year

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